Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

Sleep and weight are a two way street. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and weight gain can lead to lack of sleep.

Here at Integrative Healing I see so many patients troubled by both. I want to help shed some light on the fact that they are connected and can be corrected.

Less Hours or Less recuperative Sleep = Weighing More

Quality sleep effects two major hormone pathways. If you lack sleep your pituitary gland which acts as the director for all of your other hormones is very sensitive to a lack of sleep. While you sleep it coordinates the release of thyroid and growth hormones and will suppress the release of cortisol.

Chronic sleep deprivation leads to an elevation of cortisol in the evening and throughout the day. When cortisol is chronically high so is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance and is a key factor in weight gain and a contributing factor to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Sustained elevation of insulin will lead to storing more calories as fat for later use.

People who tend to get less sleep are tend to be heavier than those who sleep enough.

There are also other hormones that control your appetite that are negatively impacted by sleep loss. They produce hunger and will make you even hungrier than you should be relative to the energy you are expending. Leptin is a hormone produced in your gut and it helps regulate how satiated you feel. It becomes less efficient with lack of sleep. So ofter you may feel hungry even if you have eaten recently. At eh same time ghrelin a hormone that stimulates your appetite goes up!! This is a sure fire formula for eating more in general and never feeling satisfied.

Weigh More = Less recuperative sleep

Being over weight can keep you from getting enough sleep. Weight related issues such as Apnea, Arthritis or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease can keep you from sleeping well. You may be in bed for 7-8 hours but get poor sleep and not wake refreshed. Poor sleep has the same effects on weight as lack of sleep.

Apnea is avery common cause of poor sleep. Your airway collapses or is blocked while you sleep. Breath becomes very shallow and can even stop while you sleep. The pause can last for a few seconds or up to a minute. In severe apnea this can happen as often as 30 times or more in an hour. It may wake you but you fall back to sleep without even realizing you woke. This poor quality of sleep leads to many chronic illness inducing high blood pressure, diabetes, cognitive disorders and can contribute to the risk of cancer and heart attacks.

Weigh gain can stress joints and increase the incidence of arthritis. Painful joints can keep you up at night. Anti-inflammatory drugs may help you sleep but they also come with the increased risk for digestive upset and damage if used longterm.

Ways to Change the Direction and get Better Sleep:

-Seek professional help. If apnea is suspected get a sleep study diagnosis.

-Move sleep to the top of your priority list

-Get help with acupuncture

-Come in for a professional herbalist consult here at Integrative Healing. Let me help you determine some adaptogenic herbs/ supplements to help regulate cortisol, leptin, stress response and encourage restful sleep

There are many single herbs and nutrients to lower stress response: Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, Theanine, Holy Basil,GABA...

One of my Favorite combination of herbs: Cortisol Calm https://www.pureencapsulations.com/media/CortisolCalm.pdf

-Herbs to help with satiety and Blood sugar regulation:

Thermo- EFX,https://shop.designsforhealth.com/thermo-efx?quantity=1&custcol_dfh_size=64


Metabol Complex https://www.standardprocess.com/Products/Literature/Metabol-Complex-Metabolic-Multi-Action-Formula-H

You will be pleasantly surprised how much your personal and work life improve with quality sleep. Being well rested gives you more energy and improves wellbeing! You will have a greater ability to change your diet and stay focused on creating longterm wellness!

Call for an appointment today. It's time for a better nights sleep!!

Integrative Medicine combined with Functional Medicine = RESULTS! in 2019

Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

January 15, 2019

As an Acupuncturist , Herbalist and Nutritionist I have always considered myself an Integrative Practitioner. I approach my patients holistically, taking into account lifestyle habits, history and current complaints. The mind, body and spirit of the patient are considered to promote healing and well being.

The key for my practice is to find the most comprehensive way to help. I have been studying and slowly introducing yet another form of medicine know as Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine embraces the philosophy of Integrative Medicine but also uses a systems- oriented medical approach that further outlines the underlying or root causes of a disease.

The beauty is that it is still completely personalized and each patients care plan is distinct and unique.

I believe in the efficacy of the Tractional Chinese Medicine and its diagnostics, an Ancient yet universally effective paradigm for diagnosis and treatment! In an effort to continue to try and better service my patients I am invested in providing some modern scientific diagnostics that dive into the biochemistry of each patient. I will be using Spectra Cell Laboratories Metabolic Profiling Tests.


These tests provide information that are key elements in resolving hard to treat health issues, lingering problems and offer preventative care by providing genetic/ disease markers.

Micronutrient tests to measure your specific absorption of nutrients and or deficiencies.

Cardio Metabolic Panels to help identify tendencies for metallic syndrome and break down the components cholesterol and your how your body absorbs them

Comprehensive Thyroid Panels

Hormones and markers for Men and Women


Genotyping to help explain if you will really benefit from a Statin or just a change in diet.

Testing is available at my office. I will provide follow up result interpretation along with treatment protocols. These tests are available individually or in combination. Insurance is applied ( all forms, including Kaiser) and pricing is discounted accordingly.

We will discuss what tests might be right for you and I am committed to more WELLNESS in 2019!!


Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

September 24, 2018

I was recently reminded of how effective acupuncture and herbs are for facilitating healing of an acute injury and minimizing the often lasting damage from strains, sprains and tears in ligaments and tendons.

My partner had a very scary climbing accident/ fall in Yosemite. In the end he was very fortunate, but his right ankle took the brunt of the fall and was severely dislocated for eight hours before being reset.

Once we got him home I immediately went to work using acupuncture, Tui Na massage, and herbs to facilitate blood movement and clean up the inflammatory debris in the surrounding tissue. His medial and lateral maleolus, foot and calf were severely swollen and bruised. We repeated acupuncture every day followed by massage and epsom salts. He was also taking Gotu Kola https://www.standardprocess.com/Products/Literature/Gotu-Kola-Complex-Product-Detail-Sheet

and Ligaplex 1 https://www.standardprocess.com/Products/Literature/Standard-Process-Product-Guide-SingleTwo Standard-Process herbal treatments for acute injury.

It was an amazing to see the healing in progress. Each treatment brought less swelling and the bruising cleared in the first week. Two weeks out he had a meeting with an Orthopedic surgeon and a CT scan to help with the diagnosis and prognosis. His Doctor was astounded at the progress he had made without a cast or other allopathic intervention.

He has been cleared of any surgical intervention and he is now on an herbal protocol for continued repair for ligaments and tendons.

It includes : Phyto Ultra Comfort and EPA Ultimate by Pure Encapsulations for pain management and inflammationhttps://www.pureencapsulations.com/media/Phyto%20UltraComfort.pdf, https://www.pureencapsulations.com/epa-ultimate.html

Ligaplex 2 for tendon and ligament healing. He will continue to receive acupuncture twice per week with some additional massage. I am confident with PT starting at week 4 he will fully recover! He is expected to be able to begin weight baring movement baring by week 6 and back to some normal activities at week 10!

I will keep you posted! It is so good to be reminded that the tools of my trade actually do make a difference. I hope it reminds all of you- to use all possible methods of healing available!

Always happy to answer any questions regarding injuries or pain and even more excited treat!

Call my office at 510-595-0700 if you have any questions or share the thoughts with someone in need of care.

STOP The Inflammation... Brain and Body- GO KETOGENIC!

Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac

May 13, 2018

WHY go Keto:

Weight Loss/Maintenance:

Normally human bodies are sugar driven machines and we rely on ingested calories for energy. Hence the need to eat several meals or snack per day! Ingested Carbohydrates (CHO's) are broken-down into glucose that is then used as energy or stored as glycogen in the liver or muscular tissue for later use. If we continually over eat then eventually we store this glycogen as Fat.

If we deplete the storage of Glycogen over a period of days and at the same time limit our CHO's intake then our bodies must start to utilize stored fat for fuel. The liver breaks down fat reserves to provide glucose from triglycerides. Ketones are the by products of the process. These ketone acids build in the blood and are eliminated in the urine. This indicates you are using fat for fuel.

This is not to be confused with a Ketoacidosis a toxic by product of deficient insulin as in type 1 Diabetes or longterm fasting. This is a  "Wasting Syndrome", loss of lean tissue.

As we age most people also tend to do less activity but eat the same amounts = weight gain! Statistics show the average American gains 1.5 pounds of body fat and loses ½ a pound of muscle each year from age 25-55!

Health and Disease Prevention:

CHO's burn dirty like kindling wood and Ketones/ Fat burn clean like a big log in the fire keeping you warm and cozy for hours with no need to replenish the source. This is how burning fat for fuel  can lead to a decrease in inflammation.

Uncontrolled chronic systemic inflammation is the precursor to illness of every variety, especially those related to Metabolic Syndrome and Autoimmune Disorders.

Ketogenic Nutrition helps reduce the incidence and can even reverse some disease:

Inflammation in our gut- Crohns, Inflammation in our joints RA, Inflammation in our body Lupus..

Lowers cholesterol- increasing HDL, lowers LDL and Triglyceride

Lowers the bodies demand for insulin- benefiting both type 1 and may even reverse type 2 diabetes, eliminating the need for insulin!

Lowers Triglycerides 

Lowers Fasting blood sugar level

All of the above factors are the precursors to metabolic syndrome and add to the occurance of Heart Disease, Strokes and Diabetes.

Brain Fuel:

The brain is normally entirely reliant on dirty burning glucose- unless you make a sincere effort to serve up ketones as a healthier option!

Ketones readily cross the blood brain barrier and become highly efficient energy for the brain. Using them for fuel stops neuro-inflammation and the diseases associated with it: Alzheimer, Dementia and Autism. The anti inflammatory by product of ketones, Beta-hydroxybutyrate is neuroprotective and slows brain cell death. 

Cancer Fighting:

Cancer cells thrive and multiply by consuming glucose at a greater rate than the average cell. Cancer cells cannot use ketones as fuel. They also thrive in an inflammatory environment. So we basically cut off the food chain and make an inhospitable environment that does not encourage growth. This process can also help mitigate the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy that not only kill cancer cells but also damage surrounding tissue. 

It is also agreed that fasting/ caloric restriction and ketogenic eating are effective therapies to reduce the ability for cancer cells to multiply.

Emotional Stability:

STOP HANGRY ( hungry and angry)  by stopping blood sugar level fluctuations and the highs and lows associated with it.

Rapid Weight Loss:

Increased Mitochondrial Biogenisis – literally means the making of new mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy generators located inside each cell.  They are the WORK HORSES of our cells They better they function the longer and healthier you live. When you combine Keto eating with exercise you get the mitochondria into top shape- rapid weight loss is the bonus!


The Key to this diet is calculating the breakdown of PRO , FAT and CHO consumption accurately. These ratios will vary depending on age, sex and in activity level. There are many Keto Calculators available online.


There is a hard limit of 50gm of CHO intake per day to facilitate ketosis. If minimally active then 20gm is recommended.

FAT 65%

CHO 5 % Net CHO  ( total CHO  minus Fiber)

PRO 30%


LET'S Talk a little more about FAT-

Not all fats are created equal:

Fat molecules come in 3 varieties: short, medium and long chain triglycerides. Medium chain are the easiest for your body to digest and use as fuel . They are the least likely to get stored as fat. So they are the best fats to consume!  The Ketogenic Diet focuses on consuming MCT ( Medium Chain Triglycerides)

Coconut Oil has more quality fats – MCT's than almost any other food but it comes with a few problems. The taste and texture can be difficult to mix with other foods. How it is manufactured can also be a problem. It can be contaminated with mold or mixed with Palm oil . It is also nearly impossible to consume enough of it to get the full benefits of MCT.

Enter the SUPER OILS:  Both are 100% derived from sustainable coconut oil 

XCT- Is liquid at room temperature with very little detectable taste and it blends easily with food and liquids. It is triple distilled , this preserves only the healthiest MCT the fats that give you the most benefit. 


You would need to eat at least 10 times as much raw coconut oil to get the same amount of the most valuable ketosis fueling type of fat in XCT oil.

MCT– Is also liquid at room temp and may have a slightly more pronounced coconut taste.- 

Some say this source of MCT is a gimmick? It will contain some percentage of Lauric Acid and this fat is actually processed as a long chain fat. It is cheaper and and sometimes used as a substitute for the more costly XCT oil.


Could all be marketing- you can create Ketosis simply by following the diet and eating the proper ratios of good fat to CHO.

Going Keto also means embracing some possibly new lifestyle habits:

Exercise but not “chronically”, it's depleting.

Substitute MOVING, lifting heavy things, sprint for short intervals.  Less time more intensity!


Stress Management

Additional ways to induce ketosis- 

Intermittent Fasting- 14, 16 hours between Like to eat late than start late, like to eat early then start early

Fasted Workouts


CHO counter app


Blood monitor Ketones


Urine Testing for Ketones


Book:  The Keto Reset Diet,  by Mark Sisson

Movie:  THE MAJIC PILL on Netflix




This is just a taste of what the Ketogenic diet can do for you.  If you think you or anyone you know could benefit from this lifestyle change- Call me! 510-595-0700  I am here to help interpret/explain, implement and coach you through the transformative powers of nutrition!!




Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

March 24, 2018

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction consists of a wide range of symptoms that adversely affect many aspects of a person’s life.

From a symptomatic point of view it can present as many problems:





Pelvic and Genital Pain

Urinary or Bowel Burning

Frequency of Urination or Retention



Pain with Intercourse

Additional complications:




Acupuncture can be used to address many of the problems related to this disorder and can address them simultaneously during each session.

It can be used to release trigger points in the the musculoskeletal system.

Because tight or weak muscles and structural imbalances can lead to postural imbalances which then refer pain to the pelvic floor.

Trigger points in the Iliopsoas, Quadratus Lumborum, Hamstrings, Obturator Internus, Adductors, Piriformis and Gluteal muscles can all affect alignment and create internal pelvic pain. The pain from these trigger points can result in perenium, testicular, internal and external genitals, groin pain, bladder pain and burning...

Acupuncture can be used for both a weak and tight pelvic floor to promote relaxation of the tissue or to facilitate muscle recruitment. There are also various acupuncture channels and points that can help calm and dissipate Pudendal nerve pain.

It can also be used to reduce scar tissue in the abdominal and pelvic area.

Lastly it relaxes and calms the sympathetic nervous system, relieves anxiety , stress and sensitivity to touch. It facilitates the release of endorphins, our body's natural pain reliever!

A regular treatment regimen often combined with Pelvic floor Physical Therapy is the ideal approach for Pelvic Floor/ Pain /Dysfunction.

If you or anyone you know experience Pelvic Floor Pain or any of the associated symptoms  please contact my office to schedule an appointment!

FALL is the season of the LUNG! Let's discuss how it relates to wellness and Skin Health!

Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac

At the physical level, defense, breath and renewal are expressed as the lungs, the skin and the colon. The Lung refers to the whole respiratory system and includes the nose and sinuses. Here oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide waste is excreted. It is also where we inhale pathogens or toxins from the environment and in turn expel them through excretion of mucus and phlegm.

The skin is like an outer lung. The skin also breathes and exchanges substances with the outer environment. Its healthy functioning is seen as an aspect of Lung function. Beneath the skin the protective energy known as Wei Qi is said to circulate, defending the body against invasion from pathogenic forces.

The Lung’s paired Organ, the Colon, is concerned with release and elimination. The Lung and Colon together are related to immunity, the strength of the protective boundary. Pathogens most easily enter through the respiratory and digestive systems and the Lung and Colon are responsible for maintaining the integrity of these systems so that they are not penetrated by invaders. In TCM medicine, the body’s defensive energy is dependent on the strength of the Lung and Colon.

This is the season to tune into what is going on beneath the surface.

Diagnosing Skin Conditions:
In diagnosing skin conditions, TCM considers physical, emotional, and environmental factors. By taking the pulse, asking in-depth questions, and observing the tongue and skin, we diagnose the condition according to TCM patterns.

Skin diseases are generally caused by internal disharmonies, such as lack of Qi, blood, yin or excess heat and dampness. These conditions coupled with environmental influences, such as wind, dryness, dampness, and heat. Along with stress, diet, and the individual's constitution also contribute to these patterns. The result can be a myriad of skin conditions.  

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs treat skin diseases in a unique manner. TCM addresses both the root (cause) and the branch (symptoms) of a condition. The treatment and diagnosis are tailored to each person's symptoms. Depending on the condition, treatment may involve acupuncture, Chinese herbs, or both. Often, one treatment cycle is once or twice a week for 12 weeks. Some conditions will clear rapidly, but others may take longer.  The Skin is introduced to new environmental changes every season. The Fall is a time to prevent and fortify.

Acne: Acne is a common adolescent skin condition that sometimes continues into adulthood. According to Western medicine, it is generally associated with reactions to hormones, bacteria, and oils in the skin. In TCM, it is most often associated with dampness, heat, and in severe cases blood stagnation. Once the dampness and heat are cleared from the system, the skin will also clear.


Eczema: Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic allergic reaction which causes the skin to become red, inflamed, intensely itchy, and in some cases to blister. People who have eczema often also have asthma and allergies. All of these conditions are caused by heat, wind, and dampness, and can be treated effectively with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. The goal of the treatment is to clear heat, dispel the wind and dampness, and move the blood.



Other conditions: Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can also be used to treat psoriasis, shingles, vitiligo, uticaria (hives), warts, rosacea, and dermatitis.



If you or someone you know suffer from a skin condition, acupuncture and herbs can offer long term relief and prevention.

I have many products, ideas and interventions to clear and create relief.





Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.

Milk Thistle is the perfect supplement for SPRING Cleaning your Body!

We are well into Spring and I am hoping the essence of the season has been moving and motivating!

This is the time of transition from the the dark of Winter and the lull of inactivity to the season of Spring with longer days, more light and more movement!

Many patients ask about doing a cleanse this time of year. It is the most appropriate time to cleanse and can be extensive or as simple as adding some Milk Thistle to your daily regimen to help your liver with detoxification. Most of us are exposed to damaging substances on a daily basis, such as alcohol, medications, pesticides, and environmental toxins.

The milk thistle is a flowering plant and it contains a milky white sap hence the name.

The cleansing effect comes from a part of the seed. It is a flavanoid called silymarin. This flavanoid encourages the liver to detoxify itself.

Ideally you want to choose a supplement standardized to contain 70% to 80% silymarin, the active ingredient.

Milk thistle has been used for over 2,000 years as a treatment to promote liver health.

Milk thistle is a safe option for people who suffer from liver-related ailments and for those who use alcohol or medications. However, it is important to understand the it can speed the clearance of certain pharmaceuticals. So it is important to take it at least 2 hours apart from any prescription medication.

The following list are few of the staple products I use for liver cleansing in my practice.




I am suggesting this as a Spring clean, but certainly useful any time of the year. Good for skin, hormone balance, detox and digestive functioning!


Jenny Crissman MS, L. Ac.

I do not know a single person that would disagree with the fact that a good nights sleep makes life much more enjoyable!  Most people know they need to eat right and exercise to be healthy.  But sleep is the sometimes the forgotten pillar of wellness and longevity.

Why is Sleep Good?

It improves immune function- fewer colds!

It may improve your sex life- especially if your a woman.

It will help with weight management and carbohydrate craving.

How do We Get Better Sleep?

"Sleep Hygiene" is the key factor:

Try to go to be at about the same time every night, including weekends.

Keep your wake-up time consistent, including weekends.

Avoid taking naps.  If you must nap make sure you do not sleep longer than an hour and do not nap after 3 p.m..

Avoid Screens before bed: tablet, phone, television...try to get rid of these devices in the bedroom.

Don't use your bed for anything other than sleep and romance.  No TV, no eating, no reading please!

Avoid strenuous exercise before bed.  Yoga can be o.k. as long as it is the relaxing variety.

Don't eat meals and avoid late night snacking before bed. 

Get some sunshine.  Sunshine our only source of vitamin D, helps regulate your internal clock.

Keep the bedroom cool.  Cool bodies sleep better.

Once you do adopt better sleep habits and if you still find yourself chronically "tired"  consider that there maybe other underlying medical conditions are contributing to your loss of sleep:

Sleep Apnea- Typically a person doesn't know he or she has sleep apnea.  Usually they become alerted to the problem by a bed partner or family member.  Snoring is one of the primary warning signs of apnea.

Restless Let Syndrome- Characterized by the urge to move your legs especially when at rest.  Symptoms are often more pronounced at night in bed.

Chronic Insomnia- Sometimes related to nutritional or neurotransmitter deficiencies.

Hot Flashes- Menopausal woman often have hot flashes and they are not limited to the daytime.  In fact heat at night can disrupt sleep and result in night sweats.

What Helps:




Acupuncture- http://www.naturalnews.com/040001_acupuncture_insomnia_improved_sleep.html

Herbs- http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2015/02/03/traditional-chinese-medicine-encourages-restful-sleep-alternative-treatment

If you or someone you know needs Happy ZZZ's try some acupuncture and herbs today!







Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.


Wake up to:


The Yin Rooster is a confident and resourceful one. Ultimately this should remind all of us that it is ourselves and our individual abilities that will progress us along the way this year.

This s a year to operate with respect and clear intentions. The dynamic Rooster demands we look inward and seek the answers to difficult questions. It is good to remember that it will take patience and faith to stay encouraged and steady, along with the feisty spirit of the Rooster Year.

I want to encourage all of us to find our inner Rooster and use that spirit to accomplish what is closest to our hearts. Be well in body, mind and spirit!

And remember that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.so be conscious of the well being of what lies inside and outside of your immediate “world”!

Much Love and Gratitude ~

More about the Year of The Rooster




Jenny Crissman MS,  L.Ac

Managing and Reversing PCOS:

PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. It can effect hormones, fertility, the skin, cardiovascular health and metabolism. It is considered a syndrome, not a disease, and there are wide range of ways that PCOS can present and a variety of factors that characterize it. It is important to acknowledge that there are in fact different types or phenotypes of the syndrome, which explains why two women with PCOS might look different.

For example PCOS can be expressed in women with excessive androgenic hormones like testosterone, producing acne and hair growth or it can present with abdominal weight gain, infertility and loss of ovulation and menstrual cycles.

In 1990, The National Institute of Health ( NIH), defined PCOS as requiring three criteria:

  1. Delayed ovulation or periods

  2. Excess androgens, such as testosterone or DHEA, causing acne, hirsutism, male-pattern hair loss, or high androgens on a woman's blood work.

  3. Other conditions that would create a similar syndrome would have to be excluded.

  4. Interestingly, the NIH did not require a women to have ovarian cysts to be diagnosed with PCOS

In 2003 a meeting in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, sponsored by two top reproductive medicine groups: one European ( ESHRF) and one American ( ASRM). They gathered to to refine the definition of PCOS. They produced The Rotterdam criteria:

  1. Delayed ovulation or menstrual cycles

  2. Hyperandrogenism/high androgenic hormone like testosterone

  3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.

What set the Rotterdam criteria apart in diagnosing PCOS was that the women didn’t' need to have all three of the characteristics . Only two of the three were required for diagnosis.

This reinforces the idea that PCOS is a very complex disorder, and that these types are mainly holding a place for what we understand as of now.


Anovulation: Fewer than ten menstrual cycles per year. Cycles 35 days or longer

Hyperandrogenism: Basically means there are high levels of hormones, such as testosterone, DHEA or androstenedione. These hormones are responsible for causing male sexual characteristics like the growth of facial and body hair and hair loss in specific patterns. Hair growth on the chin, upper lip, on the chest or stomach or around the nipples Acne along the jawline or on the back is also a symptom of hormone imbalance.

PCOS Cysts: Twelve or more follicles in a single ovary ranging from 2-9 millimeters an enlarged ovary. These cyst differ from those of women without PCOS These “cysts” are not even true cysts. They are underdeveloped follicles that accumulate in the ovaries rather than going to ovulation.


Address Inflammation- Inflammatory chemicals are made to damage cells of invaders, but they can also damage our own cells if left unchecked. Having chronic inflammation in our bodies can disrupt your hormones and cause premature aging. This involves managing food reactions and addressing insulin resistance and healing the gut.

PCOS Supplements to Minimize Inflammation:


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Bioflavanoids- Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea


Glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine


Vitamin D

Heal the Gut:


L- Glutamine



Heal Insulin Resistance- manage blood sugar levels and glycogen storage and promote weight loss

Natural Ways to Treat Insulin Resistance:



Vitamin D






Balance Adrenals and Improve Your Mood- Put a halt to the wired tired feeling, insomnia, abdominal weight gain. Or Fatigue, depression, salt cravings, low blood pressure, low libido.


Treatments for Adrenal Conditions:


Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Red Sage



B- complex vitamins

YOGA, Self – Care, Meditation, Counseling

Treat Androgen Excess-

Natural Treatments for Androgen Excess:


White Peony

Green Tea

Reishi Mushrooms



Black Cohosh

Address Hormonal Imbalances-

*First do some testing. Blood work to look at FSH, LH, Estradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin and AMH.

Natural Therapies for Female Hormone Regulation:


 Chinese Medicine Herbal combinations; Don Quai, Peony and Cinnamon, Peony and Licorice …

Balance Your Thyroid-

*First do some testing. Lab Testing for TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 and Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody.

Natural Treatments :





Create a Healthful Environment-

Things to Consider- check your exposure and your ingredients!

Chemicals and Plastics

Skin Care Products


Pesticide Exposure

Household Chemicals

Last, But not Least-

Eat a Balanced Diet!!

As an acupuncturist I am trained in diagnosing from an alternative perspective, but nonetheless , because I have an abundance of additional tools at my disposal it is critical to use them when trying to treat a complex disorder such as PCOS.

 if you suspect you or someone you know, suffer from PCOS or are having conception/fertility difficulties please know that you can find help at my office!







Managing and Reversing PCOS:


PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age. It can effect hormones, fertility, the skin, cardiovascular health and metabolism. It is considered a syndrome, not a disease, and there are wide range of ways that PCOS can present and a variety of factors that characterize it. It is important to acknowledge that there are in fact different types or phenotypes of the syndrome, which explains why two women with PCOS might look different.


For example PCOS can be expressed in women with excessive androgenic hormones like testosterone, producing acne and hair growth or it can present with abdominal weight gain, infertility and loss of ovulation and menstrual cycles.


In 1990, The National Institute of Health ( NIH), defined PCOS as requiring three criteria:


  1. Delayed ovulation or periods

  2. Excess androgens, such as testosterone or DHEA, causing acne, hirsutism, male-pattern hair loss, or high androgens on a woman's blood work.

  3. Other conditions that would create a similar syndrome would have to be excluded


*Interestingly, the NIH did not require a women to have ovarian cysts to be diagnosed with PCOS


In 2003 a meeting in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, sponsored by two top reproductive medicine groups: one European ( ESHRF) and one American ( ASRM). They gathered to to refine the definition of PCOS. They produced The Rotterdam criteria:


  1. Delayed ovulation or menstrual cycles

  2. Hyperandrogenism/high androgenic hormone like testosterone

  3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.

What set the Rotterdam criteria apart in diagnosing PCOS was that the women didn’t' need to have all three of the characteristics . Only two of the three were required for diagnosis.


This reinforces the idea that PCOS is a very complex disorder, and that these types are mainly holding a place for what we understand as of now.



Anovulation: Fewer than ten menstrual cycles per year. Cycles 35 days or longer


Hyperandrogenism: Basically means there are high levels of hormones, such as testosterone, DHEA or androstenedione. These hormones are responsible for causing male sexual characteristics like the growth of facial and body hair and hair loss in specific patterns. Hair growth on the chin, upper lip, on the chest or stomach or around the nipples Acne along the jawline or on the back is also a symptom of hormone imbalance.


PCOS Cysts: Twelve or more follicles in a single ovary ranging from 2-9 millimeters an enlarged ovary. These cyst differ from those of women without PCOS These “cysts” are not even true cysts. They are underdeveloped follicles that accumulate in the ovaries rather than going to ovulation.





Address Inflammation- Inflammatory chemicals are made to damage cells of invaders, but they can also damage our own cells if left unchecked. Having chronic inflammation in our bodies can disrupt your hormones and cause premature aging. This involves managing food reactions and addressing insulin resistance and healing the gut.


PCOS Supplements to Minimize Inflammation:


Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Bioflavanoids- Grape Seed Extract, Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea


Glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine


Vitamin D


Heal the Gut:


L- Glutamine




Heal Insulin Resistance- manage blood sugar levels and glycogen storage and promote weight loss


Natural Ways to Treat Insulin Resistance:



Vitamin D








Balance Adrenals and Improve Your Mood- Put a halt to the wired tired feeling, insomnia, abdominal weight gain. Or Fatigue, depression, salt cravings, low blood pressure, low libido.



Treatments for Adrenal Conditions:


Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Red Sage



B- complex vitamins

YOGA, Self – Care, Meditation, Counseling



Treat Androgen Excess-


Natural Treatments for Androgen Excess:


White Peony

Green Tea

Reishi Mushrooms



Black Cohosh


Address Hormonal Imbalances-

*First do some testing. Blood work to look at FSH, LH, Estradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin and AMH.


Natural Therapies for Female Hormone Regulation:


Herbal combinations; Don Quai, Peony and Cinnamon, Peony and Licorice …


Balance Your Thyroid-

*First do some testing. Lab Testing for TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 and Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody.


Natural Treatments :






Create a Healthful Environment-

Things to Consider-

Chemicals and Plastics

Skin Care Products


Pesticide Exposure

Household Chemicals


Last, But not Least-

Eat a Balanced Diet!!


As an acupuncturist I am trained in diagnosing from an alternative perspective, but nonetheless , because I have an abundance of additional tools at my disposal it is critical to use them when trying to treat a complex disorder such as PCOS.


I hope you will look for help if you suspect you suffer from PCOS or are having conception/fertility difficulties.