March 24, 2018
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction consists of a wide range of symptoms that adversely affect many aspects of a person’s life.
From a symptomatic point of view it can present as many problems:
Urinary or Bowel Burning
Frequency of Urination or Retention
Pain with Intercourse
Additional complications:
Acupuncture can be used to address many of the problems related to this disorder and can address them simultaneously during each session.
It can be used to release trigger points in the the musculoskeletal system.
Because tight or weak muscles and structural imbalances can lead to postural imbalances which then refer pain to the pelvic floor.
Trigger points in the Iliopsoas, Quadratus Lumborum, Hamstrings, Obturator Internus, Adductors, Piriformis and Gluteal muscles can all affect alignment and create internal pelvic pain. The pain from these trigger points can result in perenium, testicular, internal and external genitals, groin pain, bladder pain and burning...
Acupuncture can be used for both a weak and tight pelvic floor to promote relaxation of the tissue or to facilitate muscle recruitment. There are also various acupuncture channels and points that can help calm and dissipate Pudendal nerve pain.
It can also be used to reduce scar tissue in the abdominal and pelvic area.
Lastly it relaxes and calms the sympathetic nervous system, relieves anxiety , stress and sensitivity to touch. It facilitates the release of endorphins, our body's natural pain reliever!
A regular treatment regimen often combined with Pelvic floor Physical Therapy is the ideal approach for Pelvic Floor/ Pain /Dysfunction.
If you or anyone you know experience Pelvic Floor Pain or any of the associated symptoms please contact my office to schedule an appointment!