Acupuncture and herbal medicine are safe and effective at treating many of the side effects and helping to boost immune function for recovery between treatments.
Jenny will recommend dietary therapy and nutraceuticals ( mushrooms, vitamins, green tea, alpha-lipoic acid, turmeric) as needed to address acute side effects and offer support for ongoing preventative care.
Jenny has practiced adjunct cancer care since she started her practice in 2003. She is dedicated to enhancing life quality during treatment and continually explores new methods of helping support her patients living with cancer.
Acupuncture helps with:
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
Peripheral neuropathy
Pain associated with cancer
Hot flashes and night sweats
Other Supportive Benefits:
Increasing the peripheral blood flow
Enhancing platelet counts depleted by chemotherapy
Mitigating inflammation
Increasing the activity of NK (natural killer) cells
Relatively recent research shows evidence for the use of acupuncture as adjunct care – some studies can be referenced at NIH National Cancer Institute.
“My husband and I love the treatments we’ve received from Jenny. We have been seeing her for over 6 years. My husband had lymphoma, and she treated him through the chemo and radiation which we believe lessened his symptoms and helped him tolerate the cancer treatments better. She has also treated us for back pain and joint pain. I have degenerative arthritis in my toe joints. The pain has been greatly relieved by Jenny’s acupuncture treatments. We are very grateful for Jenny!