Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac

Chronic pain syndrome (CPS) is a common problem that presents a major challenge to health-care providers because of its complex natural history, unclear etiology, and poor response to therapy. CPS is a poorly defined condition. Defining it generally involves specific time parameters, but many do not agree on the duration.  It can be any pain that has not resolved itself or lasting longer than 3-6 months.  I would define it as any pain that persist longer than reasonably expected based on the healing time for the tissues involved.

CPS is a constellation of syndromes that usually does not respond to the Western medical model of care. It takes a multidisciplinary approach, requiring good integration and knowledge of multiple organ systems. Diagnosing the source of the pain isfound through thoroughly investigating all of the symptoms and the history trying to find the origin.  It can be a result of a previous unresolved trauma, a viral infection by product, such as shingles, a degenerative issue at the joint causing osteoarthritis, a pain caused by metabolic syndromes such as diabetic neuropathy or even pain caused by autoimmune disorders such as MS. 

In TCM pain is sometimes described as improper functioning of a pathway.  This pathway obstruction can cause pain, numbness, digestive disruption and mood dysfunction.

Spondylosis or nerve impingement at the level of the spine is most common cause.  It may not be obvious to the patient or clinician especially if there has never been trauma to that specific area.  Spondylosis is a deterioration of the intervertebral disc creating stress , pressure, twisting, friction on the nerve root.  This disrupts the pathway to muscle tissue and organ function.  If the disruptions is chronic a whole "syndrome"of symptoms can develop and leave the patient with a myriad of neuropathic pain. 

Deep Aching Pain

Sudden short stabbing Pain

Desensitization or Hypersensitivity

Allodynia:   disproportionate pain response

ROM:  restriction due to muscle contractual

Trophic Changes:  derematomeal hair loss ( the metobolic pathway are effected)

The eventual end result of CPS is that the Sympathetic and the Parasympatheticsystems become imbalanced. 

Acupuncture uses diagnostic questioning, evaluationsand examinations to determine the particular segment of para spinal muscles and spinous processesthat relate to the symptom pattern.  Your practitioner will evaluate with a thorough visual examine, palpation to assess the area of pain for changes in moisture, temperature, texture and touch sensitivity to determine the specific area of the spine effected then- treatment begins!

It will involve needle insertion at the are of origin along the spinous processes effected by impingement as well as needling along the pathway to the muscles organs that createthe pain "syndrome".  The treatment may also include electrical stimulation of the of the pathway to help minimize atrophy of the muscles and to block the pain pathway to create immediate relief while simultaneously treating the origin of the problem.  This is a a way to create healing and prevent further damage caused by a structural problem that may have not traumatic origin.  An Infrared Lamp is also often used to further enhance the treatment.

It does not involve prescription steroids or opiods.  Drugs with a whole litany of complaints and side effects

Treatment may include some anti-inflammatory herbs or other supplements to treat symptoms created by the chronic pathway block.

If you or anyone you know suffers from Chronic Pain - ACUPUNCTUREis a viable alternative treatment that can be included to help manage their pain and improve the quality of their life!