Jenny Crissman MS L. Ac.
Trying to manage a migraine or a cluster of them can be a full time job and lead to inconclusive research and results. Intense pain, light sensitivity, auras, nausea...all while you look for the magic bullet to stop the headache!
Research has shown that many habits can trigger a migraine. It is no easy feat to manage migraine triggers. Because everyone is different and sometimes it is the cumulative effect of many triggers that will cause a full blown migraine to develop.
Trigger Hit list:
Too much or too little sleep
Certain foods ( Tyramine content)
Extreme Exercise
Excessive Heat
Barometric Changes
Neck Pain
Fluctuating Blood Sugar
We know that the relationship between migraines and triggers are multi factorial. So it is imperative to keep a headache diary.
Most often is not just one factor but a combination of triggers that cause you to get a migraine. i.e.: Premenstrual, bright light, skipped breakfast … , big change in temperature, little sleep and extra coffee, ...Overheated from a big run, dehydrated, two glasses of wine the night before...ALL of these scenarios can be the perfect combination to create a migraine!
Try to think of your triggers as individual risk factors for developing a headache. Then figure out what your migraine threshold is. What combo of those circumstances does it takes to produce a migraine attack for you.
A migraine is complex, but basically it means your brain is “hyper-excitable”, reacting to a lower threshold than in someone without migraines. It leads to an inflammatory response that causes headaches. This hyper-excitability is often hereditary, but it is likely that there are many genes that produce migraines.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Prevention:
Keep your Blood sugar level balanced; eat meals and snacks on a regular schedule
Sleep on a regular schedule, avoid taking naps and sleeping in
Stay Hydrated- 40-60oz of water per day
Exercise regularly
Alternative Care for Migraines:
I have found that treatment is multifaceted and can definitely lessen the intensity, duration and frequency of a migraine. Sometimes even stop them altogether! If you or someone you know suffers from debilitating migraines call - Help is on the way!